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Elliott, George P

(1918-1980) US author and academic, many of whose short stories were sf or fantasy, the first of genre interest being "The Hill" (February 1948 Pacific). He is best remembered for "Among the Dangs" (June 1958 Esquire), assembled in Among the Dangs: Ten Short Stories (coll 1960), which deals with an imaginary South American tribe and has been widely reprinted within and outside the genre; his essay "Discovering the Dangs", in Conversions: Literature and the Modernist Deviation (coll 1971), discusses, biographically and theoretically, the creation of an sf text. Two other stories from that collection, including the anti-racist parable "The NRACP" (Fall 1949 The Hudson Review) (see Race in SF), and five of those assembled in An Hour of Last Things and Other Stories (coll 1968), most notably "Into the Cone of Cold" (December 1967 Esquire), are also sf. Although it has been listed in sf bibliographies, David Knudson (1962) is in fact an associational novel dealing with nuclear guilt and the after-effects of radiation poisoning. [JC/GF]

George Paul Elliott

born Knightstown, Indiana: 16 June 1918

died New York: 3 May 1980



Entry from The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction edited by John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls and Graham Sleight.
Accessed 16:52 pm on 2 May 2024.